The One I Need

Book Four from the Silver Creek Series

An ocean and a secret just as deep separated them. Will a reunion in the Mile High City provide a second chance at love? The instant June Parker learned Cameron Driskill was in Paris, she decided to make the most of her good fortune and try to find answers to questions that were tearing her family apart.

Cameron could be the key to finally finding out the truth all these years later—if she could keep her heart in check. When Cameron was called back to the United States from Paris, he filed his time with the elusive Juin Dion under “what might have been.”

Their whirlwind romance might have been intense, but he sensed Juin had been holding something back. Discovering she, too, was back in Denver sparked hope they could pick up where they’d left off. In her quest to solve a decade-old mystery, June has made many mistakes. Before she and Cameron can move forward, she needs to come clean. Once the truth is laid bare, will their newfound love be strong enough to survive? Do you enjoy books where you follow characters you've grown to love into the next book in the series?

The One I Need, The One I Want, and The One I Love in the Silver Creek series are very closely tied, which means you'll get the most enjoyment reading them in order!

“My thanks goes to Cindy Kirk for being such a talented and great author. If you have not read her books you really need to read them all. This book is filled with so much emotion and love you just feel your heart swell. I enjoyed this book from start to finish. .”

— K C, Amazon


What People Are Saying

“We are off to Silver Creek to meet more of the Driskill family. While Cameron is off in Paris he meets an amazing woman and is so excited, but his time with Juin is cut short when he is called home. While home Cameron can't stop thinking about Juin. When he finds out she is also back in the states and in Denver it seems like fate is giving them a second chance.
June Parker, who goes by Juin Dion while working in France, has a past and has questions. When she finds herself in Paris at the same time as Cameron Driskill and at the same event, she hopes he has the answers to her burning questions. Unfortunately none of her questions have to do with Cameron and are all about a party he went to in Denver almost 10 years ago.
Ten years ago June's sister was at a party and on her way home was hit and killed by a hit and run driver. June is determined to find answers to what happened to her sister in hopes that it will her mother's depression. June is all ready to ask Cameron all of her questions when she realizes she might like spending time with him more than she wants the answers to her questions. Before June can come clean and tell him the truth Cameron is called home. Soon after June's mother isn't doing well and June must head home too.
While Juin and Cameron pick up where they left off, being home June realizes she needs to come clean with Cameron, why she wanted to meet him and her relationship with his grandmother.
Can June and Cameron over come everything? Will Hal be June's biggest defender? I think we all know these answers, but it is a fun ride.”


“The Silver Creek books are shorter than a Good Hope book, but just as much fun and filled with as many great characters. They all overlap and you get to meet the Driskill family, but also their friends and loved ones. I never put these books down without a smile on my face. I read this one just before 4th of July and it was a great summer read. I can't wait to pick the next one and see what happens with June and Cameron.”


The One I Need is the first novella in this Silver Creek Series by Cindy Kirk. Cindy never disappoints in providing a respite from the crazy of life.”

“June Parker, who also goes by Juin Dion while working oversees, is in France when she meets up with Cameron Driskill who knows her as Juin. He is a person of interest in obtaining information about the night her sister, Aubrey, was killed after being run down ten years ago after attending a party. The meeting was by chance and not planned. They had chemistry between them from the start. When they parted ways due to work and family obligations, they were both disappointed.

June returns to Colorado as her mother, Camille, is not doing well. The grief from losing her daughter has taken a toll on her over the years and has been instrumental in the falling apart of her marriage which resulted in divorce. When June and Cameron meet up again, the attraction is still strong. June is enjoying the time they have together and she hesitates to ask questions of Cameron about that fateful night ten years ago. There’s is a sweet romance filled with some family drama, past secrets and some espionage which made this book hard to put down.”


“After reading this story, I’m looking forward to reading the 2nd novella, The One I Want and I’m eager to find answers to who was responsible for Audrey’s death. I feel confident that June and Cameron’s love will overcome any struggles they both will face as their love story continues. This can be read as a standalone as there are no cliff hangers.

I highly recommend this story if you are a fan of HEA sweet romances.”