the Note Keeper

Book Six from the GraceTown Series

On a crowded rack in the corner of the shop, a sleeve peeked out. She reached for it. The softness of the well-worn tweed familiar to her fingers. His scent still lingering on the lapels. This was his coat, the one he swore he’d keep forever. So how on earth did it end up here?

Taylor’s dad promised that, like a compass, he may not always show her the way, but he’d be there to point her in the right direction. Taylor has never needed that guidance more than in the aftermath of his sudden passing. She returns to GraceTown to settle his affairs-- a task she hopes will be straightforward given her already unraveling life. But as soon as she arrives at her childhood home, the complications begin.

“Taylor Higgs moves back to GraceTown after her father passed and she lost her job when the firm she worked for was bought out and her position was deemed redundant. She isn’t sure if she will stay in GraceTown, but is taking some time to make decisions about her future while her father’s estate is getting settled.

She finds her father’s favorite jacket in a thrift shop and buys it. Having the jacket gives her comfort. Then she starts finding notes in one of the jacket pockets. The notes offer guidance just like her father used to do for her and, oddly, they are in her father’s handwriting. Are they another one of GraceTown’s unexplained phenomena?”

— Marcia, GoodReads

What People Are Saying

“In addition to rediscovering what's most important in life, our relationships and friendships as well as experiences, Cindy certainly invites the reader to put themselves in Taylor's shoes as the story is told from her point of view. This was a heartwarming book to read. The GraceTown series is one of my favorites because it explores the magic layers in life.”

— Melissa, GoodReads


“Another mysterious adventure from GraceTown. Taylor is trying to come to grips with the loss of her father. Finding guidance through some surprising notes from her father, she moves through her grief and a strained relationship with her mother to find peace and a future of fulfillment and happiness.”

— Cheryl, GoodReads
